Finally, the first steps are starting to fall into place for the kind of model images I want to create. It takes a fair amount of trial and error to get the mood right. Expressions, clothing, poses, they’re all going into directions trying to find a new ground outside of the typical modelling genre whilst trying to retain classical arty roots. Working in subtle symbolism is a theme I want to push further. It will hopefully feature more in the future.
I’ve not experimented too much with Sepia Toning, I am finding my results shockingly variable. I guess it’s an interesting element of randomness! I might keep up messing around with Toner, ‘Doing’ is the only way to learn after all.
I’m now trying my new tactic of creating more images in the background, a little more experimenting, but uploading less. Brutal editing and a slight raising of the bar on personal work in theory, should help push your ability further.