I wanted to gently guide things away from formal authenticity into focused mindfulness and connection to nature. I'm still exploring the balance, trying to keep a feeling of truthfulness.
After a long break, I set out in 2023, wanting to restart afresh. To be more authentic was my aim, to capture people as they are. I feel as my creativity sparks, I'm being drawn back into the realms of the metaphysical. I’m not sure how, or even if it's possible to push both concepts into new rabbit holes
The metaphysical aspect is only just a whisper in these images featuring Jade Dawson, some just portraits to keep a healthy mix of concept to straight images. For me, the metaphysical is the deep thought, mysticism. It’s the intangible and invisible. I want it to be the connection to nature, done with subtly and care not to resemble a beauty shoot or overtly conceptual image.
The danger is the theme is just too subtle, combining poses that seem to portray thought and abstracted background elements that gently hint of the shapeless thoughts, or elements of nature that act as conduits to deeper states of mind has been my ingredients so far.