I seem to be naturally splitting my work into two directions. On one hand, I have my images featuring models and also my footpath photographs. I've been trying to distil the direction that is unfolding with my footpath works, seeing if it relates to any other artists and their direction. I came across a book on psychogeography which seemed to fit my general direction. It's about the act of wandering and experiencing the journey, linking places by emotions rather than their location. It gives new prominence to forgotten and discarded places and margins between. It deals with Psychogeography as a movement that followed surrealism and Dadaism.
Psychogeography did come with a warning to me between the lines. Despite all the obtuse manifestos and offshoots of the movement, there seems a general lack of any work or obvious links. It seems hard to create tangible art that echoes the conditions in the mind that come from drifting through the landscape. It was mentioned that psychogeography is "artists going for a walk" It may be more of a meditation and not an easy subject to portray. Psychogeography could end up a trap of spending eternity trying to create images that speak of the emotions of a location.
Going forward, I feel I need to abandon Psychogeography and try something different.